What will happen to clubs?

May 19, 2023

Boughton plans to have an alternate schedule weekly for club days and pep rallies, as neither could fit into 17 minutes. This plan is not set in stone, but the principal’s advisory committee is set to discuss it at an upcoming meeting. 

“I don’t want to lose all the opportunities to get involved,” Boughton said. “We have a lot of good club participation, and I’m going to figure out how to keep that.”

Another idea for club time during the day frequently discussed amongst students and faculty opts to bring back block lunch. There, some students would go to clubs or tutoring, and others would go to lunch for the first 30 minutes, before they switched to conclude the hour-long period. Block lunch was removed in 2020 due to COVID-19, and never returned.

“They should bring back block lunch,” senior Zi Thompson said. “Yes, advisory is time to get our work done, but we can’t go anywhere or have enough time to get proper work done in clubs. Block lunch was a time where you could do all the things you needed to do, and it’s definitely worth bringing back — despite it being chaotic.”

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