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Hebron High School News Online

The Hawk Eye

Hebron High School News Online

The Hawk Eye

Hebron High School News Online

The Hawk Eye

Eyesha Sadiq

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor

Senior Eyesha Sadiq is the entertainment editor and this is her second year on the staff. When she’s not in the newsroom, she’s either playing with her dogs, reading or baking.

All content by Eyesha Sadiq
AP U.S. History teacher Trey Hooper interacts with his third period humanities students. Hooper has been teaching for ten years and will take a break from teaching at the end of this school year to work in the corporate industry.

More than life

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
May 23, 2024
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My grandma always held me while I was baby. She constantly spoils me more than she needs to, and, even though I know I won’t ever get this type of treatment once I live on my own, I’m thankful I got to experience having a third parent, second mom and for-life best friend live with me.

Opinion: I love you, Nanijan

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
May 22, 2024
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Every year, seniors must decide their future. While doing this, they face the application process — finding the right college, figuring out how to pay for tuition and handling the mental stress of it all.

Tunnel Vision

Eyesha Sadiq and Shiren Noorani
May 16, 2024
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Junior Shreya Yadav, Vamika Bangarukathi and Aishwarya Ramkumar Babu pose at the Business Professionals of America (BPA) state competition. Junior Nisha Pandya, Ramkumar Babu and Yadav pose together. The three competed as a team in the Economic Research Team event.

BPA to go compete at nationals convention May 10-14

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
May 9, 2024
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Junior Shreya Yadav, Vamika Bangarukathi and Aishwarya Ramkumar Babu pose at the Business Professionals of America (BPA) state competition. Junior Nisha Pandya, Ramkumar Babu and Yadav pose together. The three competed as a team in the Economic Research Team event.

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My sister and I sit on the couch and eat our favorite cookies. We are dressed in traditional clothing to celebrate the day of Eid.

Opinion: My love for Eid

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
April 9, 2024
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 These are a few desserts that my family had at Eid last year. Eid is a time of celebration and time to make memories with loved ones.

5 desserts to sweeten up Eid

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
April 8, 2024
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(Left to right) Freshman Ethan Jacob and freshman Carter Nichols run the 110 Hurdles. Jacob ran in lane six and Nickels in lane four.

Photo Gallery: Track and field meet 3/28

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
April 1, 2024
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My family breaks their fast with their favorite foods, during Iftar time. Ramadan is a time of peace, but there are also struggles people face during it.

Opinion: The other side of Ramadan

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
March 11, 2024
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After deciding to graduate early, I was worried I would not get into the college that I wanted. Now, after being accepted to one of the best schools for my major, I can not wait to see what the University of Texas at Austin holds for me. I am now “Gone to Texas”.

Senior Column: “Gone to Texas”

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
March 8, 2024
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Senior Brooks Mitchell competes in a 100 hurdling race in district finals at Flower Mound High School last year. He has been hurdling since seventh grade and will continue in college.

One foot over the other

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
March 7, 2024
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Infographic: National Disability Awareness Month

Infographic: National Disability Awareness Month

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
March 7, 2024
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Runners are practicing for the 400-meter race by running on the track at practice on Feb. 21. Track and field practice during first and fourth period, preparing for the upcoming meet.

Track and field to hold home meet Feb. 24

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
February 23, 2024
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Juniors Jueun Chon and Christina Horn are selling winter formal tickets during B lunch. Tickets are $20 and sold in all lunches and $30 at the door.

First Winter Formal to be held Feb. 17

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
February 9, 2024
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Starbucks was reported last month to have lost 9.4% of its market value and nearly $12 billion due to the Workers Union labor rights and boycotting. People have begun supporting local coffee shops as a way to satisfy their coffee needs.

Opinion: Boycotting is the best way to take a stand

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
January 26, 2024
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Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. In celebration, here are 10 interesting facts that you may not know about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Infographic: 10 Facts about Martin Luther King Jr.

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
January 15, 2024
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 My grandma has been making banana bread for as long as I can remember. Since the holiday season has begun, I want to share her recipe so others can share the same feelings of happiness that I do when I eat the bread. Here is a recipe.

My grandma’s banana bread recipe

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
December 6, 2023
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Captains Sloan Wozniak and Cate Foughty stand together after cheerleading practice on Oct. 31. The team was working on routines after school.

Meet this year’s cheerleading captains

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
November 10, 2023
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Astronomy teacher Kris Phillips talks to students about his experience participating with Model UN. Students are preparing for their conference on Oct 21.

First Model UN conference to take place Oct 21.

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
October 20, 2023
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From left to right are pictures from India to America. For almost half of my childhood, I grew up in three different countries.

Opinion: My Odyssey

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
October 19, 2023
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Starting this spring, the SAT, PSAT, ACT and seven AP tests will be administered digitally.  For AP exams, districts were given a choice to give it online or on paper, and LISD decided on digital testing.

Testing to be administered digitally starting this spring

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
October 5, 2023
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7 Brew is located at 3040 E Hebron Pkwy. 7 Brew has a variety of drinks to choose from, serving coffee, fizz drinks, energy drinks, smoothies, shakes and teas.

7 Brew brings a taste of home

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
September 28, 2023
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Screenshot 2023-09-14 at 8.59.00 PM


September 14, 2023
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9/11 is one of the most tragic events that has taken place in United States history — a day many looked death in the eyes. People’s lives were drastically changed, including mine.

Opinion: 22 years later

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
September 11, 2023
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Carrying their legacy

Carrying their legacy

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
May 11, 2023
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The biggest struggle that I face during Ramadan is lunch time. Lunch time is the hardest time of the day because I usually eat lunch around 1 p.m., which on a regular day would seem fine, but when fasting I feel like I am starving.

Opinion: How it feels to fast during Ramadan

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
April 14, 2023
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President Srikar Kotha explains what Model UN is to the new members.  The club held its first member meeting on March 30 in Room 2610.

Model UN club re-opens

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
April 4, 2023
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Seniors Kaden Nguyen, Collin Smith, Serena Cavanaugh and Caroline Burrow clap while being honored at the pep rally on March 1 for winning fifth place at state on Feb. 26. This is Hebron’s first time placing in the top five at state.

AcDec places fifth at state

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
March 9, 2023
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Students surround the aromatherapy station at last year’s Student Health and Wellness Fair on April 1. This was one of the many vendors that were lined up in the main hall for the event.

Student Health and Wellness Fair to be held March 9

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
March 8, 2023
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The Quran, prayer beads, a hijab and prayer mat are used when Muslims pray their mandatory prayers. Having a prayer room for all faiths would allow students to express their religious beliefs.

Opinion: Prayer rooms should be provided at Hebron

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
February 22, 2023
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(left to right) Seniors Joseph Kim, Beomjun Kim, Chloe Yean and Lisa Choi pose with medals at the district meet. They all advanced to state last year and won in their roleplay events at DECA district.

DECA to compete at district meet Jan. 24.

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
January 23, 2023
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National Math Honor Society members received an invitation the week before the club’s first meeting on Nov. 10. The students who received the invitation had to have a 3.0 weighted GPA and taken two or more math classes.

National Math Honor Society chapter re-opens

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
December 13, 2022
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Chocolate chip and sugar cookies from Cookie Society, Tiff’s Treats and HEB Bakery sit assembled on a plate. The large back two are from Cookie Society, the two on the left are from Tiff’s Treats and the rest are from HEB Bakery. All these bakeries are located in the Frisco area.

Cookie Competition

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
December 8, 2022
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 Therapy can be beneficial, especially if someone is struggling with anxiety, depression or any mental illness. If you or someone you know is struggling, there is help available.

Opinion: Therapy should not be seen as taboo

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
November 17, 2022
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Junior Sophia Wheeler and sophomores Christian Soriano, Riley Unterbug, Maya Ware, Shane Duggan and Keane Nair (left to right) pose on the Staten Island ferry. After doing workshops all day, they went on a ferry to see the Statue of Liberty.

Theater students reflect on field trip to New York

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
November 1, 2022
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Drew Harvick and senior Kathleen Tomlinson work on assignments during fourth period English on Sept 28. Harvick gets the opportunity to work with students in small group settings and individually.

Flying back into the new school year

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
September 30, 2022
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Photo by Universal Pictures

”Pitch Perfect” trilogy sings its way to 10th anniversary

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
September 27, 2022
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 Many students get overwhelmed with the amount of homework they receive, which can cause mental health issues. Around 65% of high school students deal with severe anxiety and 52% are diagnosed with depression.

Opinion: Is homework really worth it?

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
September 23, 2022
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Freshmen Adin Pasternak and Pedro Uriarte practice at rehearsal on Sept.1. The band March-A-Thon will take place tomorrow at Castle Hills on Sept.10 at 9 a.m.

Band March-A-Thon to be held Sept. 10

Eyesha Sadiq, Entertainment Editor
September 9, 2022
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