Girl with a camera: Introduction

A camera has the ability to capture life. A photographer has the ability to capture specific moments in life. That’s why I gained an interest in photography: I want to capture moments and memories I can keep forever.

After a few years of practicing, I gained a bit more experience and started to notice some continuities in the way I take photos. When taking photos of still-lifes, I usually tend to approach with the closest angle as possible while still keeping an interesting frame. And when taking pictures of people, unless it has to be posed, candid portraits are my go-to.

So overall, I want this blog to act as a “Photo Diary,” not just chronological like a normal diary. I want to challenge myself by having a theme for each post and taking photos to connect back to it. I also want to share some tips, and experiences that I encounter for each theme. And if necessary, I wish to share the significance of the topics in each photo.

I’m a person that learns through experience and mistakes. So hopefully through this blog, I can improve my skills, as well share my new found knowledge with others. Afterall, like author Ziad K. Abdelnour said, “Life is like a camera, [and you have to] focus on what’s important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t work out, take another shot.”