Club Stress Busters holds first meeting

Provided by Raiya Shah

Stress Busters, a club that aims to provide a relaxing environment for students through different activities, will be holding its first meeting in room 2350 on Feb. 22 during A block and will continue to meet twice a month.

“I wanted to start this club because last year was very rough for me,” founder Mrunmayi Sathaye said. “I realized that so many people get overwhelmed with the tasks they have to complete and it’s almost as if stress doesn’t go away until you’re conked out for the day asleep.”

Club members will have the opportunity to participate in mental and physical activities including yoga and coloring.

“The [students] at this school have to a lot to handle at a [young] age,” Sathaye said. “I personally needed this club to be a thing. Since it wasn’t, I wanted to do something about it.”