Choir to hold staggered in-person concerts Wednesday
photo by Kai Fernando
Choir practices in the Auditorium during third period in preparation for the first in-person concert. The choir has been performing at different times in order to maintain proper COVID-19 safety protocols.
Choir will have its first in-person concert of the semester on Dec. 16 at 5:45 p.m. in the auditorium. To maintain social distancing, the different choirs will be performing at separate times with staggered starts. The concert choirs will be performing at 5:45 p.m., Belle Chanson will be performing at 7 p.m. and A cappella will be performing at 8:15 p.m.
“[The concert] is going to be unique, but there’s no way we could cram everyone on the stage — that’s just not safe,” head choir director Alexander Carr said. “The goal is to give a really safe live performance.”
The choir normally has a fall concert and a winter concert in the fall semester. Due to COVID-19, their fall concert this year was a video posted to the Hebron Choir YouTube channel.
“[My parents] were so excited [when they heard there would be a live concert],” choir president Katherine Seale said. “They get excited over just getting to see us perform. They were excited for our virtual concert, but a live concert is very different from a virtual one. It’s exciting because you get to see your hard work in the eyes of the audience.”
The largest choir, A cappella, has been practicing in the house of the auditorium instead of the choir room this year so that they can maintain social distance.
“[Being spread out has been] a unique challenge for the whole choir because staying six feet apart and having to wear masks definitely inhibits our ability to sing how we normally do,” student director Jackson Fowers said. “We’ve had to get creative with how we’re doing that.”
Each choir member gets two tickets for their parents or guardians to attend the concert. If there are any extra tickets, they can be found at the choir’s website. Additionally, parts of the concerts are expected to be uploaded to the choir’s YouTube channel by Dec. 23.
“[Ticket availability] is going to depend on the number of kids that we have on stage,” Carr said. “The virtual students were [encouraged] to sing in the concert with us, but we can’t in good conscious mandate that they come. Hopefully, we’ll be able to release some extra tickets, but it’s really going to be dependent on how many virtual kids sing with us.”
According to Seale, she and the other officers have been working hard this year to make memories for the choir and keep up morale, despite COVID-19 complications.
“It’s been harder to adapt [to this year] for some,” Seale said. “There are days where people walk in [feeling like], ‘Uh, we’re so tired of having to do all of this and trying to have a positive attitude,’ but those days we get to come together and to do the thing that we love to do: sing.”

Senior Katherine Parker is the managing editor and this is her second year on staff. She loves journaling and spending time outdoors. In her free time,...