Photo by Rija Waqar
Choir rehearses for the spring concert. Choir students dressed in attire to reflect popular Disney character
Choir will host its annual Spring show on May 17 and 18 at 7:00 p.m. in the auditorium.
The concert will include performances from Belle Chanson, Concert Choir Men, Concert Choir Women, A Capella, Harmony and Hawk Appella. The choir groups have been practicing since April 5.
“Our theme this year is Disney,” choir director Rachel Forester said. “We’re not just singing this time; usually in all our other concerts we stood up and sang, but this time we added choreography.”
Sophomore Emma Haskins said the choreography is the hardest part given the short amount of time and the jazzy music of Disney.
“We’ve been practicing a little during our warm-ups,” Haskins said. “Another thing is the music in general: Disney songs are harder than you realize. The music my choir is doing is very jazzy and it can be difficult with the amount of sharps and flats.”
Choir performed a Disney themed spring concert eight years ago and since then, Disney films have produced more characters and music, giving this show a different take from the one in the past. For this year’s show, each person in the choir program is allowed to choose their own costumes to showcase diversity.
“I think the students will put more energy into this show because we get to pick our costumes,” sophomore Jade Des Pres said. “I think it will look very cute seeing people dressed as Pocahontas, Tinkerbell and Goofy dancing together on the stage.”
Belle Chanson will perform songs from “Aladdin” like “Arabian Nights,” and “Friends like me,” and “Reflection” from Mulan.
“The choirs are doing a few medleys of different Disney songs,” Des Pres said. “I’m excited to see them and see what other songs the other choirs are performing.”
One of the songs in the medley is “It’s a Small World.” The directors said they want the song to promote the diversity at school and the different cultures in the choir program alone.
“I chose this music because it’s fun,” Forester said. “It will bring a smile to everyone’s face, the costumes are going to be amazing and the audience will really enjoy it and there’s an addition to that where the seniors get their own solo at the concert.”
Since the seniors have been in the choir program longer, they have an opportunity to audition for solos that will be performed in between choirs’ performances to add more variety to the show.
“We have songs from tons of different Disney movies, and hopefully everyone enjoys our costumes because we got to pick what Disney’ character we wanted to be from any movie,” Des Pres said. “I hope that anyone who is coming to our show will enjoy it because there’s something at the show for everyone.”