FCCLA to hold bake sale tomorrow at Castle Hills

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America club will be holding a bake sale tomorrow from 12 to 3 p.m. on Lady of the Lake Boulevard in Castle Hills to raise money for upcoming events.
“We will have a variety of spring themed baked goods,” president Adam Soomro said. “We have tables set up around the corner, so people who are driving by will be able to see us. People come and buy baked goods, and usually, this is an opportunity to advertise FCCLA and what we stand for.”
The bake sale will help pay for senior cords and any other activities FCCLA is going to do in the future that the school doesn’t sponsor.
“[For example, with the] 8th grade expo, we usually give people who are interested in the club treats like a bag of Dum Dums, so some of the money goes towards that,” Soomro said. “[Another thing we did was] Socktober where people would pay to buy new socks and we would donate it, and we paid for the transportation to give these donations to the homeless shelters that needed socks. The money always rolls over because there are not too many expenses in the spring, but cords usually take up a big chunk of money that the bake sale funds go to.”
Soomro said paying for t-shirts for next year also takes up part of the cost and every month they have volunteer events which will require the club to pay. His goal is to earn enough money so funds will rollover to pay for competition next February.
“I’d say [my goal for the club is to earn] over $1,000,” Soomro said. “My hopes are that the turn out will be good.”

Senior Mrunmayi Sathaye is the feature editor and this is her second year on staff. She considers herself "artistically inclined-ish" and a pessimistic...