Photo by Yasmin Haq
Latin club has a meeting to discuss plans for state. There are 25 members advancing to state.
Latin Club has 25 member advancing to the state competition, which will be held at Naaman Forest High School in Garland April 13 and 14.
“We have a tough area,” Latin teacher Courtney Herring said. “We have Marcus and Flower Mound, but usually we do really well in our area, and our state is one of the most competitive.”
Events include written tests, art competitions and spoken events. If students place high enough at state, they can advance to nationals.
Herring said it is common for the school to have around 20 students advance to state.
“At state we have to compete against classical and preparatory academies where they take Latin and Greek and mythology every day in school, and some of our kids have only been in Latin for 30 weeks,” Herring said. “It is really impressive when they beat those kids at state, because it’s a huge jump. Same thing at nationals.”