Student council to deliver care-packages for Hurricane Harvey shelters

photo by Yasmin Haq

Student council members create care-packages with items like washcloths.

Student council will deliver care-packages to Metrocrest Services on Sept. 26 using the supplies from the Hurricane Harvey drive which spanned from Sept. 6 to 14.

Student council sponsor Benjamin Stroud estimates about 300 care-packages have been made.

There are four types of care-packages: large, small, baby and special. They include items like toothpaste, deodorant, soap, feminine products and socks.

“We did something similar [to the Hurricane Harvey drive] with the Japan tsunami seven years ago,” Stroud said. “It’s easier to give a Ziploc bag full of things instead of [finding out specifically what they need].”

In addition to the Harvey drive, student council is exclusively doing a school supplies drive for Hardin Jefferson High School in Houston that was flooded due to the hurricane.

“A lot of people donated stuff and chipped in,” Stroud said. “It warms my heart that the students and faculty of Hebron High School are willing to do that.”