Sophomore Katie Boeckman poses for a photo during an event. (Katie Boeckman)
Sophomore Katie Boeckman poses for a photo during an event.

Katie Boeckman

Shining through service

Sophomore strives to impact young girls through International Order of the Rainbow for Girls

October 14, 2022

As sophomore Katie Boeckman guides the young girls, ages 11 and 12, she remembers when she was once shy and quiet. Boeckman takes the lead in helping those girls come out of their shells through charity and leadership work. 

Boeckman is an active member of the grand assembly of Texas’ International Order of the Rainbow for Girls and serves as the grand representative to Arizona and New Mexico. The International Order of the Rainbow for Girls is a non-profit youth group that teaches girls ages 11-20 the importance of leadership, confidence and citizenship through charity work.

“I joined [the organization] when I was 10, and I was invited by a friend who was previously in the organization,” Boeckman said. “[I joined because the organization] generally had a lot of very nice people [and] they focus on a lot of charity work. I have been able to go to multiple charity events because of it, and it just allows me another space to become a better leader.” 

Boeckman is also involved in other extracurriculars at school, one being the marching band, where she plays the mellophone. Sophomore Shreya Sharma, who has been friends with Boeckman since elementary school and has been to International Order of the Rainbow for Girls events with Boeckman, said that Boeckman has many passions. She says that this helps her be more open minded to trying new things and be successful in the organizations she is involved in. 

“[Katie is] a really hard-working person, [but] also knows when to put a stop [on things so that] she’s not a pushover,” Sharma said. “[During the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls events,] she always takes charge when needed and talks to everyone [to] make sure they’re OK. She doesn’t unnecessarily boss people around [and she’s always trying to help people during the event.]”

Boeckman said she is able to manage the band and the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls through balancing the hours that she puts into each of the activities. Organization member Rhonda Arrington has seen Boeckman’s development within the organization and said she has shown commitment to the organization. 

“Katie is the worker and the thinker behind the scenes, [and] is also willing to step up and lead when the time is right, especially when she can be a mentor to others,” Arrington said. “Many young people say they will do things, but the follow through is not always there. Katie goes above and beyond to meet her commitments and will even reach out of her own comfort zone to ensure she is meeting the expectations that she has committed to.”

The organization’s main mission is to help inspire young girls in becoming better leaders. Boeckman said she was able to help people through the organization, which is a feeling she enjoys. 

“[When I] help further charity, even [through] small [actions, it’s something I enjoy],” Boeckman said. “I organized a charity project where I gave toiletries to retirement homes for people who may not be able to go to retirement homes with those surgeries, and being able to do small things like that does build up into a big fulfillment of ‘oh, I did this nice thing for all these people.’ It’s what I’m most proud of in this organization.”

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