Q&A: Get to know the 2022-23 StuCo officers
Left to right: Junior Josh Park, junior Melody Ebrahimi, junior Rahil Tanvir and sophomore Lillian Walters.
The 2022-23 student council officers were announced on April 5. Next year, junior Melody Ebrahimi will be student council president, junior Rahil Tanvir will be vice president, junior Josh Park will be secretary and sophomore Lillian Walters will be the LISD Advisory Board chair.
Why did you decide to run for an officer position?
President Melody Ebrahimi: “I decided to run just because I enjoy doing student-led activities, and I have been involved in StuCo for a long time. I wanted to be more involved. I value this organization a lot and being a part of it has really changed my perspective and made me more involved.”
Vice President Rahil Tanvir: “I decided to run because I really enjoy helping the school. Being an officer for the largest student run organization at Hebron comes with a big responsibility, and since I have been in Student Council for all three years of high school, I feel like I can give a lot. I have good leadership skills, and I think being an officer will help me show it more.”
Secretary Joshua Park: “The main reason I decided to run for an officer position is because I had a lot of fun this year in the class, and I also had a lot of fun setting up activities. I am a huge fan of school spirit and being involved at Hebron, so I feel like this was another chance to continue being involved and continue growing with my other officer friends.”
LISD Advisory Board Chair Lillian Walters: “I have been an officer for the past two years: my freshman year I was an officer and [this year I am a] sophomore representative. I [figured] I might as well keep going. Along with being in broadcast, I [thought] it would be a good idea to be in StuCo so they can both benefit each other.”
Are you a part of any other student organizations or clubs at school?
Ebrahimi: “I am a part of [Science National Honor Society (SNHS)], Key Club and Hands of Hope.”
Tanvir: “I am a part of SNHS, [National Honor Society (NHS)], Red Cross, [Hebron Asian Student Association (HASA)] and I am the vice president of Cash Club. ‘
Park: “I play the clarinet in band, and I have officer [positions] in HASA, Key Club, SNHS and NHS.”
Walters: “I am in broadcast and am thinking of joining Circle of Friends because I am in P.E. Partners right now.”
Have you held any previous officer positions, and if so, how will you apply this experience to next year?
Ebrahimi: “I was the [StuCo] secretary this year. I have learned a lot from StuCo leadership wise, and I think that will help me [as] president. I think I will apply everything I have learned with school spirit.”
Tanvir: “I was one of the [StuCo] junior representatives [this year]. I will take all the leadership experience I have learned these past few years and apply it to next year and also [I will apply my experience] from my other clubs. I think the biggest thing I have learned is patience. When people tell you things, patience and an open mind can help you take [someone’s] opinion into account.”
Park: “This year, I was a junior grade representative [for StuCo]. The biggest thing I have learned from each of these clubs and organizations I am a part of is time management. I am going to use time management that [I have learned] from band and computer knowledge to help organize Student Council. Also, I have gained a lot of confidence from speaking to a big student body population, so with that confidence I hope to inspire student council members and help them stay on track.”
Walters: “My freshman year [was during] COVID-19, so it was a lot of having to do things on our own. There was [almost] no one in StuCo my freshman year — it consisted of four people, and we had to do everything on our own. I think a lot of that experience will help me incorporate new ideas next year.”
What are your goals for next year?
Ebrahimi: “[My goals are] to improve school spirit, have more people participating in dress up days, better my leadership skills and get more comfortable talking to higher-ups.”
Tanvir: “I feel like the biggest improvement we want to make is instead of just focusing on Student Council, we want to make our organization bigger and make the whole student body a part of it so that they have a say as well.”
Park: “This upcoming school year, I know we are still in the pandemic, but I hope next year we get to have [in-person] club meetings. [They] are a lot more fun and engaging, and we can get more insight. Next year as secretary, I hope to have in-person meetings and just be more interactive and not as limited as this year.”
Walters: “I want to reach students in a new form because I know announcements are kind of redundant and boring, so I hope I can reach students in a more engaging way.”

Senior Malley O’Carroll is the social media manager and this is her third year on staff. She loves spending time with her family and friends, traveling,...