Crafting carbon fiber rings
Senior begins handmade ring business
Senior Andrew George poses outside holding and wearing his handcrafted rings. George’s Instagram account for his business, @carboncrafted.acg, has photos of his rings that people can look at prior to placing an order.
Thinner than a piece of human hair when twisted, five times stronger than steel and used for automobiles and aircrafts — that is carbon fiber. For senior Andrew George, carbon fiber is his business.
On Sept. 9, George began selling handmade carbon fiber rings to help pay for a new car and his college funds. He created an Instagram account to help promote his business and spread word about his rings.
“My mom works a lot with stocks and small businesses [because] she is a business major,” George said. “Throughout my entire life, I’ve [had] the chance to see her build different businesses. A lot of them have failed, because that’s how most businesses work, but I’ve seen her build businesses from the ground up. That’s [what] inspired me to go into the field and be an entrepreneur.”

George, who wears jewelry on a regular basis, decided to use carbon fiber to create his rings in order to avoid tarnishing and rusting that occurs with metal jewelry. In addition, George is interested in cars, where carbon fiber is used on specific types of vehicles.
“I’ve always worn jewelry and I don’t like how things rust, so that was one big factor [in deciding what material to use],” George said. “It’s more unique than a metal ring. In the car community, carbon fiber is an exotic material used on expensive cars, [so] whenever you say carbon fiber, it strikes a bell with the car community. As far as normal people go, the [rings] are durable, and as far as car people go, [the rings are created from] what is viewed as an upper class [material].”
Following the official launch, George has expanded his business with two employees. One of these employees is senior Anthony Spigariol; Spigariol sells the rings at Newman Smith High School, the school he is currently attending.
“[I decided to help sell] because I thought the rings looked cool,” Spigariol said. “[Andrew] said that if I help him out, [I can earn a percentage of the sales]. Some of my friends are buying them, and it’s cool.”
Currently, George is the only person crafting the rings; however, he hopes to expand his means of production by hiring somebody to help him make the rings. The ring-making process contains a variety of different steps. George begins by wrapping the carbon fiber fabric around tubes to create different rings sizes. This is followed by cutting the fabric into small, ring-sized pieces and a seven-step polishing process.
“One thing I’m starting to [realize] is that when you start a business, you’re trading your time for money, and when you’re growing a business, you have to find a way out of that,” George said. “I don’t have the time to make as many rings with the orders I have, which is why I’m trying to branch out and get as many employees as fast as I can. You have to learn where to make those sacrifices.
Although there is not a set timeline for how long George will sell the rings, he hopes to continue for as long as possible.

“The biggest takeaway I’ve had from this business [is] how crucially important your mindset is when running a business,” George said. “At first, I didn’t think anything would work, but I convinced myself that [things] would start working, then they did. [In the] long term, this business probably won’t go forever, but I’m not going to limit myself by any means. I’m going to try and grow as much as I can and gain as much experience as possible.”

Senior Andie San Luis is the editor-in-chief and this is her second year on staff. She spends copious amounts of time on Spotify, plays the french horn...