Seeing double

Photo via Alice and Danielle Moye-Honeyman

You would think that two people who shared a womb would be best friends, but sometimes they want to be the exact opposite. Constantly being mistaken for one another tends to take the fun out of having a twin.

Sophomores Alice and Danielle Moye-Honeyman are identical in neither looks nor thought.

“My sister and I obviously don’t have twin telepathy,” Danielle said. “We would be in the same class and I struggle really hardcore with math and she’s super intelligent. I would completely bomb the test and she would get a really great grade.”

Although Danielle tends to be the shy one out of the two, she loves telling embarrassing stories about her sister.

“After Alice went to see ‘Mama’ the horror movie, she was terrified of moths,” Danielle said. “She was sitting in this sofa chair and there was a moth behind her and I didn’t even think about it and said, ‘Hey sis you have a moth behind you’ and she completely flipped the chair upside down and ran to the bathroom and locked herself in there for 30 minutes. Nobody ended up killing the moth.”

Fights between the duo usually break out over clothes.

“She goes into my room while I’m in band practice and I see her in the hallways wearing clothes that I was supposed to wear the next day,” Alice said. “The best moment to be a twin was in the womb because I couldn’t hear her talk.”

Despite the fights and the constant companionship, there are some things that the sisters admire about each other.

“I admire her artistic talent because she’s really creative with tasks that she’s given,” Alice said. “I can’t draw so I’m very impressed by it.”


Photo via Alexis and Caleb Geddie

For sophomores Alexis and Caleb Geddie, fights and grudges don’t last very long.

“One time we were screaming at each other and right after we finished we just started laughing,” Caleb said. “It blew over us completely.”

The Geddie twins have also had their fair share of embarrassing moments – most of them being in public and involving strangers.

“This one time we were in Disney World and we were in line for a ride and my dad was messing around with me,” Caleb said. “We were pushing, punching and kicking each other and he got the last push. I turned to him but the sun was in my eyes and so I went to kick him in the bad area for guys and it wasn’t him so I kicked a random stranger in that area.”

School life can be hard when both brother and sister are in the same grade and possibly the same activities. People can’t help but to compare them to each other.

“Sometimes we’re compared to each other in academics and organizations,” Alexis said. “That’s always very annoying.”

Always having someone to talk to helps Alexis realize the benefits of having a twin.

“Caleb is like a best friend to me,” Alexis said. “We just have a really good relationship. I can talk to him about anything. He’s really talented at singing so sometimes we have the weirdest duets. Out of nowhere we just harmonize with each other. We’ve always been really close.”


Photo via Ashich and Anoch Mohan

Sophomores Ashich and Anoch Mohan love using their situation to their advantage. Last week they switched seats in science and got through an entire class period without the teacher being the wiser.

“That day the teacher took our grades and I did very bad on my test,” Ashich said. “But Anoch did really good so what he was supposed to get, I got. It messed up his grade.”

The brothers are strong believers of twin telepathy and often use it to get through life.

“If the teacher is teaching something and he doesn’t get it and he looks over at me, I let him know that I’ll teach him when we get home.” Ashich said.

Not only do they use their superpower in academics, but they use it for sports too.

“With one look he understands what I really mean,” Anoch said. “Whenever we play soccer, I’ll be on the left and he’ll be on the right and all I need to do is look at him and he’ll understand what I’m going to do next.”

No matter how hard it is to admit it, Ashich looks up to Anoch because of some qualities he possesses.

“He’s really studious,” Ashich said. “He grasps things as soon as the teacher says them. I’m really talkative and I don’t study. I just mess around.”

At the end of the day a sibling is a great support system, especially if they’re experiencing the same things as you at the same times.

“We never really feel lonely,” Ashich said. “He’s always there for me and me for him. That’s the best part of having a twin.”