Words of Wisdom: Kuhn Edition

AP Physics teacher William Kuhn plows through his lesson on motion until 8:30 a.m., when everything stops. A loud iPhone alarm goes off, signaling the time for Kuhn to do attendance. Kuhn is known for his apathy toward attendance and cracking jokes during class to awaken sleepy students. Kuhn’s iconic lines and helpful tips will continue throughout the semester until a new wave of students take a seat, ready to learn and laugh.

Iconic Phrases:

1. Anyone, anyone? Bueller? Oh, nevermind, you didn’t see that movie. I need to make a Disney reference.

2. Natural force is not normal force.

3. People, check your self esteem at the door.

4. This is the last of the easy tests, people!

5. Chit chatters.

6. Are you kidding me?

7. (Insert random number here) of you will miss this on the next test.

8. How am I doing on time?

9. Get out your calculators for this one (For easy questions).

10. What kind of smut is this?

Kuhn encourages his students to record the daily objectives and essential questions to get more points on the test.


Kuhn’s doughnut on the wall helps to reflect his humorous character.


Kuhn decorates his classroom with rotating models of the solar system.


After a semester in his class, Kuhn’s students can choose to give him a drawing of their favorite Kuhn phrase.


Kuhn expresses his Texas, and Hawaiian, pride by decorating his board with the Texas flag and a lei.

Tips for upcoming juniors to survive Kuhn:

1. Write the optional lab reports, daily objectives and essential questions: You can get extra points to bump up your grade. No one likes an 89 on a test.

2. If Kuhn says “This is important,” highlight it because it will show up on the next test or quiz.

3. Take hand-written notes: Writing notes helps to seal them in your memory.

4. Laugh at Kuhn’s jokes. No matter how cheesy, everyone appreciates laughter.

5. Ask questions: He doesn’t bite.

6. Check his website frequently: He could post an extra credit assignment 5 a.m. on Christmas morning.

7. Do the practice problems: When you drive, you don’t just listen to someone tell you how to drive. You do it. The same goes for learning physics.